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Check the background of this investment professional on FINRA’s BrokerCheck
Check the background of this investment professional on FINRA’s BrokerCheck

Retirement Investing Strategy
With over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, you can be confident that your retirement investing strategy has been proven to work. While there are never any guarantees when you invest, at Ehler Financial Group, we strive to place you in a suitable investment portfolio that is easy to understand and manage.
Education Investment Strategy
While the price of higher education continues to increase and the amount of student loans continues to grow, investing for education has become an important aspect of an overall financial strategy. Whether you have young children or are a grandparent looking to help with higher education, we would like to talk to you about potential options to help you invest your assets wisely through these years.
Protection Plan (Life Insurance, Disability Insurance & Long-term Care)
It's been said that in order to have a good offense, you first need to have a solid defense. That's why at Ehler Financial Group, we are able to offer defensive protection (i.e. Term Life Insurance, Disability Insurance & Long-Term Care) to help weather potentially difficult financial storms.